Jane's Fertility Pathway™ focusing on:

Fertility Optimization

Optimize your fertility and set your self up for a healthy pregnancy by following this personalized fertility plan!

Optimal Fertility Index™

Based on your data from our Smart Fertility Analysis and historical data from other users, we estimate you can get pregnant in...

Score: 0.1
Over 12 Months

Although our algorithm is built by leading fertility doctors and data experts, we (nor anyone else can accurately predict or promise time to conception. These results are simply to help give vou an idea of how long it could take if you take proper action.

Ready to get started?

Watch this video FIRST to understand how you Fertility Pathway™ works and how to maximize your success.

Your Fertility Pathway Map

Using the Restorative Fertility Method™

The Restorative Fertility Method™ is a proprietary holistic fertility method developed by Dr. Aumatma Simmons that has helped thousands of couples achieve fertility success.

It's important that you watch each video to understand each step.

Step 1: Reveal

The first big step in your fertility journey is to discover your key obstacles so that you can overcome them.

Step 2: Remove

Eliminating toxins from the body is crucial for fertility because toxins can disrupt hormonal balance and affect reproductive health, potentially impairing both egg and sperm quality. By reducing toxin exposure and enhancing detoxification, individuals can improve their overall reproductive function and increase the chances of a healthy pregnancy.

Step 3: Rebalance

Diet and targeted supplementation can provide essential nutrients that support hormonal equilibrium, crucial for optimizing fertility. These nutritional interventions help regulate menstrual cycles, improve egg quality, and enhance sperm health, thereby increasing the likelihood of conception.

Step 4: Receive

Focusing on mental health, maintaining a positive outlook, and reducing stress can significantly enhance fertility outcomes by creating a more favorable physiological environment for conception.


Diet a lone will not help provide the nutrients necessary to optimize your fertility.

PROPER supplementation focused on your unique needs is crucial to optimize your fertility and increase your speed to conception.

Supplement Protocols Made Just For You!

Below you will find your personalized supplement protocols for the next 3-months.

Start with Month-1 and get it ordered ASAP to maximize your chances for success and increase your speed to conception.

Fertility Reboot Diet

Importance of Diet

Watch this video to understand how this unique diet will help optimize your fertility!

  • Breakfast

    Vegetables 40%
    Protein 60%
  • Lunch

    Vegetables 50%
    Protein 50%
  • Dinner

    Unprocessed Complex Carbs 60%
    Vegetables 30%
    Protein 10%
  • Include

    • Cruciferous vegetables
    • Fiber
    • Healthy Fats
    • Adequate protein
    • High-quality complex carbs
    • Filtered Water in adequate proportion to your body
    • Diversity of plant foods
    • Variety in what you eat
  • !Limit

    • Sugar
    • Caffeine
    • Non-organic fruits & Veggies
    • Alcohol
  • XAvoid

    • Trans Fats
    • Refined Carbs
    • Processed Foods
    • High-Sugar Foods
    • High fructose corn syrup
    • Cigarettes
    • Marijuana
    • Non-organic meats / eggs
    • Farm raised fish
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Toxins are the #1 cause of infertility.

Importance of removing toxins from your life

Watch this video to understand how to remove toxins from your life.

List of toxins:

Known Reproductive Toxins

Personal Products

  • tampons/pads
  • makeup/ beauty products
  • Botox
  • Hair colorants
  • Shampoo/conditioner/body wash

Household Products

  • Dish soap
  • Dishwasher pods with plastic
  • cleaning solutions
  • laundry detergent
  • dryer sheets
  • nonstick pots and pans
  • plastic storage containers

Food & Water

  • non-organic fruits and veggies
  • plastic water bottles
  • unfiltered water (Brita-type filtration is inadequate to truly remove toxins)
  • hormone-injected meat
  • Dairy products (high hormone disruption)

The Fertility Reboot Lifestyle

The keys to a "Fertile Lifestyle"

Committing To A Fertile Lifestyle

Your commitment will help balance your hormones, put your body in a parasympathetic state and it's scientifically proven to help optimize your fertility and speed up your time to conception.

Success Kit & Resources

We have more resources available with our Fertility Pathway PRO Plan!

Support from Fertility Experts

- Male Fertility Masterclass ($200 value)

- Female Fertility Masterclass ($200 value)

Only $97 (regularly $360)

[Access Pathway PRO]