Fertility Fraternity

Does this sound like you?

This whole time you’ve been on the fertility journey, you’ve wondered about what you could do to support your partner. You feel good, and you don’t have many symptoms. And then, one day, you find out, those little swimmers are not so good! Or… you were told they were great, only to realize “great” is relative.

Based on our Smart Fertility Assessment

it’s time to pay attention to YOU!

What are male factors in fertility?

Men’s Health and Sperm Health is often put on the back burner and ignored a majority of the time. Unfortunately, science is clear - 49% of fertility issues are due to male factor (either completely or partially). Additionally, in the next 20 years, it is predicted that if the rate of decline in sperm parameters continues, most men will have no sperm. Alarming right?

There are many factors impacting sperm health such as environmental toxins, plastics all around us, and heat known to negatively impact sperm.

The good news is, there are many nutrients and herbs that have a positive impact on semen parameters. We’ve put all the BEST - known to increase all sperm parameters (motility, morphology, and count) in Super Sperm, in the dosages known to actually make a difference.

The key thing here is to take the supplements known to have positive sperm affects without massively increasing testosterone. Hold on! I know you’ve thought more testosterone means more sperm— but it’s actually quite the opposite. Testosterone is a goldilocks hormone, which means, too much or too little can negatively affect the sperm. So… we’ve chosen ingredients that will have an optimizing affect on sperm, without massively spiking testosterone. IF you know that you have low testosterone levels (not based on sex drive alone!) then you'll need additional support to raise the levels. But by all means, do NOT take testosterone shots/ pills (bioidentical or synthetic). Testosterone Supplementation has been shown to cause sperm production to plummet! Find a holistic practitioner that can help you increase Testosterone, without negatively impacting sperm health!

Male factor fertility issues are infrequently paid attention to. In fact, most men are rarely suggested a semen analysis, let alone any in depth testing. But, there are many factors on the male side that could impact male fertility, which then impacts a couple’s ability to get AND stay pregnant. YES, you heard us right! Staying Pregnant can have just as much to do with the male side than it does with the female side.

There is a big mis-understanding in the fertility world that “men make sperm well into their 70s”. Although this is somewhat true, the quality of those sperm are definitely affected, and the DNA within the sperm is likely declining with age.

How does this affect fertility?

There are many factors on the male side that are playing a role in fertility:

  1. Sperm Count: Did you know that 100s of 1000s of sperm in an ejaculate will die before they even make it to the cervix? The vaginal vault is highly acidic so survival of the fittest is in full affect, and only the best shall survive and make it to the cervix.

    The number of sperm in an ejaculate, known as sperm count, is a crucial factor in fertility. A higher sperm count increases the chances of fertilization, as more sperm are available to reach and try to penetrate the egg.

  2. Sperm Motility: Sperm motility refers to the ability of sperm to move efficiently. Motile sperm can swim effectively toward the egg for fertilization. If a significant portion of sperm are immotile or have poor motility, it can reduce the likelihood that they will ever make it to the egg in order to fertilize it!

  3. Sperm Morphology: Sperm morphology assesses the shape and structure of sperm. There is a protective layer around the egg, called the zone pellucida, that the sperm will have to break through in order to fertilize the egg. The heads of healthy sperm have the proper enzymes to break through this protective barrier— the final test of ‘survival of the fittest’ and if they are not successful, fertilization will not happen. To add to the tension, they only have a 12-24 hour window to swim to the egg and fertilize it - so any slowing down in that will be cause for sub-fertility for the couple.

  4. Sperm Volume: The volume of the ejaculate can also impact fertility. A low volume may not provide enough sperm to reach and fertilize the egg. An assessment of sperm volume is usually combined with other parameters to evaluate fertility potential.

  5. Sperm Concentration: Sperm concentration measures the number of sperm in a given volume of semen. A low sperm concentration can reduce the chances of successful fertilization, as there are fewer sperm available for the journey to the egg.

  6. Overall Sperm Health: Beyond individual parameters, the overall health of sperm is vital for fertility. Factors such as DNA fragmentation and oxidative stress can influence sperm quality and fertility potential.

  7. Lifestyle Factors: we must emphasize the role of lifestyle factors in sperm health. Smoking, excessive alcohol consumption, recreational drug use, poor diet, obesity, prescription medications, and exposure to environmental toxins can negatively impact all sperm parameters. More info on this coming soon!

  8. Medical Conditions: Certain medical conditions, such as diabetes, infections, and hormonal imbalances, can affect sperm parameters. If you have any known medical conditions, it is essential to seek medical advice.

If you and your partner have suffered from pregnancy loss, get your partner to do the Smart Fertility Analysis also! There is a lot you both can do together to support healthy pregnancy outcomes for the future. On the male side, there are three big factors that contribute to pregnancy loss in your partner. Those are methylation issues, inflammation, and blood sugar abnormalities. These are harder to detect because all too often, there are no symptoms. And yet, in so many of our couples, we identify these factors, and when appropriately addressed, they go on to have a healthy baby. In men, the most crucial tests are Homocysteine, C-Reactive Protein, Hemoglobin A1c, and Insulin. We need these to be optimal, not just “normal.” If the levels are suboptimal, that is enough of a factor to contribute to poor pregnancy outcomes. Outside of these biomarkers, it may be worthwhile to look into oxidative stress and DNA fragmentation which can play a role in implantation failure and pregnancy loss.

This little info page is just the beginning... get your own personalized fertility plan, created specifically for your needs!

Doing your own research can be time consuming, overwhelming and can feel like an endless rabbit hole.

Meanwhile invasive solutions like IVF can cost more than $100,000...

With infertility rates on the rise, and many couples feeling helpless... We wanted bring HOPE and help couples get pregnant quicker and easier at a fraction of the cost.

That's why we created Fertility Pathways™.

They are personalized fertility plans that give you everything you need to get pregnant faster, easier and with less money that you would spend at any clinic.

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About Dr. Aumatma

Madre Fertility Co-Founder

With an emphasis on hormonal harmony, increased mental and emotional well-being, and overall physical health improvement, Dr. Aumatma Simmons has helped thousands of couples achieve fertility success.

15-year, double-board certified Naturopathic Doctor and Endocrinologist

Best-selling author, host of the Egg Meets Sperm postcast

2015 & 2020 "Best Naturopathic Medicine Doctor" locally

2021 & 2021 top "Women in Medicine" doctor

Featured on ABC, FOX, CBS, KTLA, MindBodyGreen, The Bump and more.