Welcome to the P.A.L. Club!

P.A.L. = Pregnancy After Loss, and we’re here for it!

Does this sound like you?

You have been through several rounds of failed IVF. Your doctor tells you the embryos are great but implantation just doesn’t happen? Or, have you had lots of faint positive pregnancy tests at home but then a week later, you get your period?
Those are considered to be chemical pregnancies, early stage miscarriage, or implantation failure… and they can be due to several different reasons.

Based on the smart fertility Assessment, you likely have:


What is Implantation Failure all about?

Implantation failure is especially traumatizing because you feel like you’re so close to the finish line and you’ve gotten plenty of BFPs. Yet… the baby is not in your arms.

Here’s what you need to know about Implantation Failure and your fertility. First, let’s address the biggest myth: since you’re getting pregnant, fertility is not the issue. In a way, you’re right. It’s not “fertility” but “fecundity” that is the issue. Fecundity is the ability to carry to term. In the broader sense, the things that help your fertility will help your fecundity— and eventually our goal is not whether you get pregnant but rather the end goal of having your baby in your arms.

How does this affect fertility?

Here are some of the common reasons:

  1. Endometrial/ Uterine Factors:
    - Thin endometrial lining: A thick and receptive endometrial lining is crucial for embryo implantation.

    - Uterine fibroids: These non-cancerous growths can distort the shape of the uterus or the endometrial cavity, affecting implantation.

    - Endometrial polyps: Similar to fibroids, these can interfere with implantation.

    - Adenomyosis: This is when endometrial tissue grows into the uterine muscle.

    - Intrauterine adhesions (Asherman’s syndrome): Scar tissue inside the uterus that can result from D&C, cesarean section, or infection.

  2. Embryo Quality:
    - Genetic abnormalities in the embryo can lead to failure of implantation or early miscarriage.

  3. Hormonal Imbalances:
    - Low Progesterone: Necessary for maintaining the uterine lining for a fertilized egg to implant.

    - Thyroid disorders: Both hyperthyroidism and hypothyroidism can affect implantation.

    - Elevated prolactin levels: Can interfere with estrogen and progesterone.

  4. Immune System Factors:
    - Autoimmune disorders: Conditions like lupus or antiphospholipid syndrome can interfere with embryo implantation.

    - Natural killer (NK) cells: Elevated levels or overly aggressive NK cells might attack an embryo.

  5. Blood Clotting Disorders:
    - Disorders such as Factor V Leiden, Protein C or S deficiencies, or homocysteine levels can increase the risk of clot formation, potentially compromising blood flow to the embryo.

  6. Infections & Vaginal Microbiome Imbalances:
    - Chronic endometritis, a persistent inflammation of the uterine lining caused by bacterial infection, can be a hidden cause.

    - Also, the latest research suggests a link between “anti-fertility” microbes in our reproductive tracts leading to early or later stage pregnancy losses

  7. Environmental and Lifestyle Factors:
    - Exposure to toxins: This includes certain chemicals, radiation, or even excessive caffeine.

    - Stress: Chronic stress can lead to hormonal imbalances that can affect implantation.

    - Smoking: Known to affect fertility in various ways.

    - Obesity: Being significantly overweight can affect hormone balance and receptivity of the uterus.

  8. Male Factor:
    Sperm quality: While the focus is often on the female partner, sperm DNA fragmentation or other abnormalities can also play a role.

This little info page is just the beginning... get your own personalized fertility plan, created specifically for your needs!

Doing your own research can be time consuming, overwhelming and can feel like an endless rabbit hole.

Meanwhile invasive solutions like IVF can cost more than $100,000...

With infertility rates on the rise, and many couples feeling helpless... We wanted bring HOPE and help couples get pregnant quicker and easier at a fraction of the cost.

That's why we created Fertility Pathways™.

They are personalized fertility plans that give you everything you need to get pregnant faster, easier and with less money that you would spend at any clinic.

Get access to your Madre Fertility Pathway™ by clicking the button below!

More About Fertility Pathways™

Based on your responses to our Smart Fertility Analysis™, we have a Fertility Pathway fit specifically to your needs.

Hit the + to see everything it includes.

About Dr. Aumatma

Madre Fertility Co-Founder

With an emphasis on hormonal harmony, increased mental and emotional well-being, and overall physical health improvement, Dr. Aumatma Simmons has helped thousands of couples achieve fertility success.

15-year, double-board certified Naturopathic Doctor and Endocrinologist

Best-selling author, host of the Egg Meets Sperm postcast

2015 & 2020 "Best Naturopathic Medicine Doctor" locally

2021 & 2021 top "Women in Medicine" doctor

Featured on ABC, FOX, CBS, KTLA, MindBodyGreen, The Bump and more.